2021.06.25 Hyundai Motor Company
Hyundai Motor Company is implementing active marketing strategies so that future potential customers, the growing generation, can have a positive perception of the brand. In particular, the automaker is trying to deliver a steady image by using the next-generation marketing platform based on the brand vision of ‘progress for humanity’. If the Brilliant Kids Motor Show, which celebrates its sixth anniversary this year, aims to develop children's imagination about mobility, the Future Mobility School provides direct career counseling and experience activities related to mobility in connection with elementary and middle schools, and leads future mobility. The company aims to nurture talented people who will be pioneers of the industry.
‘Let’s Dream Together with Hyundai Motors: Future Mobility School’ is an education program developed by Hyundai Motor Company in 2016 after signing a business agreement with the Ministry of Education for the first time as a private company. It consists of classes that enable students to understand mobility and technologies in related industries and to explore various jobs in advance. Based on Hyundai Motor's vision for future mobility, Hyundai Motor Company developed this program to help students who will live in the era of the 4th industrial revolution choose a job later on and take one step towards their dreams.
To this year, the Future Mobility School provided education to over 60,000 young people from 1,500 schools since the free semester system was fully implemented in 2016. In line with the slogan of 'Easy for teachers, useful for students', the company provides teachers with guide books, lecture materials, learning kits, and even professional instructors. In addition, they provide students with hands-on, discussion-oriented programs and exclusive learning kits to develop creative problem-solving skills rather than just a simple lecture.
Although it is currently temporarily suspended due to Covid-19, in 2019, the automaker collaborated with the UNESCO Asia-Pacific Institute for International Understanding (APCEIU) to provide global programs (national support projects for multicultural families, overseas Korean schools support projects) to 7 countries in the Asia-Pacific region and distributed future mobility schools to future generations.
In recognition of the excellence of the program, Hyundai Motor's Future Mobility School won the 'Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education Award' at the Free Semester Best Case Contest hosted by the Ministry of Education in 2016 and 2017 for two consecutive years, and in 2019, received the Minister of Education Award, and proved itself as an excellent program.
*Free Semester System: A system that operates a curriculum focusing on various experiential activities to develop students’ talents and aptitudes by conducting student-participatory classes for one or two semesters in middle school, away from knowledge accumulation or competition.
The official ‘Future Mobility School’ secondary program consists of a total of 16 sessions, including a) the changing concept of mobility, b) the driving principle of energy and eco-friendly mobility, c) autonomous driving mobility, and d) finding a career in mobility. The program is voluntarily selected by teachers in charge of the free semester system, and the target school is selected by reviewing the lecture plan submitted by each teacher at Hyundai Motor Company. are receiving
Reflecting the high demand in the school field, we plan to implement an additional short-term secondary program from the second semester of 2021. This short-term program is a curriculum that has condensed the core content into 3 sessions out of 16 sessions, and is expected to increase utilization as teachers can freely use them in their classes.
In addition, Hyundai Motor Company has developed and operated an elementary school creative experience program since 2020 to provide educational opportunities to more growing generations. As the number of elementary schools that want to participate increases, Hyundai is actively sharing its mobility vision with children, the protagonists of the future, by expanding to 100 schools in 2021.
The ‘Future Mobility School’ is a program with high satisfaction for participating teachers and students as the competition for application is high. In a teacher survey conducted last year, 75% of the students rated this program as ‘helpful to understand future technologies and the automotive industry’, and 99% said they 'think it helps set career paths'.
Regarding the future mobility school program, teacher Jang from Samjeon Elementary School in Seoul said, “I saw children who put people first while planning to apply the technologies and functions we need in the future to the future smart roads. As the class progressed, I was looking forward to seeing the bright side of Korea. Seeing the students having fun and actively participating, the 8-hour class felt very short, and the children expressed their desire to learn more.” In addition, a student from Daejeo Middle School in Busan, said, “I was thinking about dropping out because I hated going to school, but I had a new dream through a class at the Future Mobility School that I heard by chance. With this opportunity, I entered Ulsan Meister High School,” through the Future Mobility School contest.
As such, Hyundai Motor Company is working hard to support future generations through various career education programs by supporting the future of schools by operating programs that both students and teachers can enjoy. The automaker plans to continuously expand the program so that more future generations can experience the program in 2022, and it plans to support education and learning materials so that teachers can provide higher quality classes. Recruitment for Future Mobility School for the first semester of '22 will start in November of this year.